Supporting Our Chosen Charity – Rainbow Trust
Our employees chose to support Rainbow Trust, the children’s charity in 2019. This charity does incredible work to provide practical and emotional help for families with a seriously ill child.
The trust provide bespoke support to hundreds of families across the UK, for children from infants up to the age 18. The support and care is regardless of the child’s diagnosis and the charity provide this for as long as the family needs it.
Rainbow Trust depend heavily on donations from the public, and during the year, we held fund raising on smart casual days. We also held a raffle at our annual Winter Party on 15 November 2019, and managed to raise over two hundred pounds at this event alone.
We invited the local representative from Rainbow Trust, Emma Broomfield to visit us at Enterprise House on 12 December, to accept our cheque for £435.56.
Emma is a Family Support worker and works out in the community visiting families across the North West region. Emma said, “From everyone at the Rainbow Trust, we thank you all for your help and support, every penny helps”.
To find out more about the Rainbow Trust or to donate: please visit their website.