Autumn 2021 OOPS Award Winner
Posted On: 01 Dec 2021
At Totally Local Company, we take Safety seriously. We’re a Safety-first company – and we ask our teams to always keep an eye out for any potential issues.
We regularly recognise individuals who have taken the time to highlight a potential problem. We do this through our OOPS Scheme (Observation of Poor Safety). Congratulations to our latest OOPS Winner Dale in our Greenspace team.
Dale is kindly donating his award to a local charity, Beechwood Cancer Care Centre.
So, what did Dale do to receive this quarterly award?
A member of the public approached Dale, highlighting a hole in the ground with a lengthy, sharp & very rusty steel spike sticking out of it.
On seeing the obvious danger & putting safety-first, Dale immediately dug the spike out and filled the hole to make the area safe for the general public. He also took before & after photographs to record the danger & how he had made it safe.
Once he had secured the site, he let his supervisor and our Health & Safety team know.

Far left – Dale pictured with John, Divisional Head of Greenspace (l) and Graham, SHEQ Business Partner (r).
Left – Dale pictured giving his donation to representatives from Beechwood Cancer Care,