The Great British Spring Clean in Stockport
Solutions SK, together with Stockport Council, launched the Great British Spring Clean at the Town Hall on Thursday 2nd March, encouraging local communities to take part in this campaign.
The Great British Spring Clean campaign is aimed at getting half a million people out and about cleaning up their local communities on 3-5 March 2017.
At the launch, Cllr Tom Dowse dressed up as the Litter Hero in the hope of encouraging individuals, groups, schools and businesses to volunteer to take part in a litter pick across Stockport.
Cllr Sheila Bailey, Cllr Alex Ganotis, Cllr Syd Lloyd, Stephen Morris and Susan McKee from Solution SK were also in attendance
Volunteers are being asked to email the Council at district.standards@stockport.gov.uk to confirm they are taking part, to arrange the collection of litter pickers and sacks and to agree a collection point for the filled sacks.
Solutions SK, the Council’s street cleansing contractor, will be collecting filled litter sacks on 6th March from pre-agreed locations.
Councillor Sheila Bailey, Stockport Council’s Executive Member for Communities and Housing, said:
I’m very pleased that so many people have said they will be taking part in this three-day event. Already many groups are volunteering to arrange litter picks across the borough. All the best to everyone involved and I’m delighted to see our local communities coming together to keep the borough tidy.
Stephen Morris, Managing Director at Solutions SK, said:
Solutions SK are delighted to be involved with this campaign. Our Streetcare team looks after the street litter of Stockport every day and every night. To run a campaign such as the Great British Spring Clean, which unites Stockport people and encourages how we all take care and pride in our environment and community, is important to us all who live, work and play in our Town.
If you are participating in a litter pick across Stockport, please share your photos on social media by using the hashtags #LitterHero or #GBSpringClean.
For more information visit: www.greatbritishspringclean.org.uk