Why Choose Totally Local Company For Your Facilities Management
There are lots of companies out there that you could go-to for your facilities management. But there are compelling reasons why you should choose TLC for your facilities management. Want to know what they are? Keep reading.
Totally local work with totally local benefits
We are a people and community-first company. Our sense of social value and purpose is strong, and we back it up with business.
We operate locally, offering comprehensive facilities management services to make your life easier. We live and work in the community, supporting the businesses that make our local area thrive by looking after them with care.
We’re in school kitchens cooking healthy meals for local children, cleaning your office spaces, maintaining your highways and lighting, managing your local commercial waste, and looking after the parks and gardens you visit on a sunny day.
Providing good quality jobs to local people is our vision. We’re reinvesting in our teams and the provision of services we provide to Stockport. Our people know the community; just take a look at what our refuse and recycling team did for their No.1 fan, Alfie.
This local work helps us to maximise the benefits to the residents and businesses of Stockport. We’re building a safe and welcoming living environment for all, creating a thriving and inclusive town with a strong business and resident community.

Making life a little greener
Part of our vision is to limit the impact of TLC on the environment and climate. We want to be kind to our planet as well as our community.
That’s why we have our Environmental and Green policy, to hold ourselves accountable. This includes:
- Recycling 100% of our motor oil waste
- Sending woodchip from our greenspace projects to be used by CHP plants to produce green energy and contribute to powering over 52,000 local homes
- Repurposing timber with local businesses to produce things like community greenspace seating and flowerbeds
- Using only hypoallergenic, biodegradable cleaning products
- Utilising sustainable energy where possible, including our solar energy refuse trucks
- Catering services recycling oil into biofuels
We’re committed to doing our best for the environment and are always looking for ways to enrich the local ecosystem and limit any damage. We’ve already implemented the above measures, so working with TLC is a big green step forward for your business and sustainability.
Making life just a little bit easier
Facilities management shouldn’t get in the way of the important things you really need to focus on. We maximise efficiency and effectiveness with automation, digitisation and data insight to help shape our decision-making progress. This technology-led approach streamlines our processes, making things much easier for you.
We have quality, safety, environment, innovation and value for money at the centre of what we do. At TLC, we offer a range of facilities management services and work to create a tailor-made plan to cover what you need. Keeping your facilities management all in one place means you can relax knowing it’s working efficiently and effectively.
Stats that speak for themselves
At TLC, it’s about actions, not just words. So here are some of the things we’ve already achieved in alignment with our values:
- Over 700 employees, of which 68% are residents of Stockport
- Approximately 121,000 Stockport homes are serviced with our refuse and recycling division
- Supporting schools on educational projects such as planting herb gardens
- Provide 9000 school meals daily
And we keep achieving more.
Like the sound of some TLC?
If you need facilities management and want it to be easy and local, we’re definitely the place for you. Help us to help you keep benefitting our community. Get in touch with us today.